
Yavir Ukrainian Male Chorus of Edmonton
Явір Український Чоловічий Хор Едмонтону
40th Anniversary Concert Program
Субота, 26 жовтня 2024 р. – Saturday, October 26, 2024


Yavir Ukrainian Male Chorus of Edmonton
Явір Український Чоловічий Хор Едмонтону
40th Anniversary Concert Program
Субота, 26 жовтня 2024 р. – Saturday, October 26, 2024

40th Anniversary Guest Conductors

Orest Soltykevych
Dr. Lana Lysogor
Hryhoriy Maluzynsky
Vistcheslaw (Slava) Morozow

Yavir 40th Annivesary Orchestra

Hsing Jou
Violin I

Kenneth Heise
Violin I

Natalie Ozipko
Violin II

Laura Grantham
Violin II

Miriam Ferguson

Michele Moroz

Joanna Parlee

Sopulu Emmanuel

Stephanie Wong

Rock Larochelle

Adriana Jankovic

40th Annivesary Concert Program

Частина 1 / Act One

  1. На Козацькій Дорозі / On the Kozak Road
    Conducted by Viatcheslaw Morozow
  2. Вязанка пісень січових стрільців / Medley of Sich Riflemen Songs
    Conducted by Orest Soltykewych
    Solos by Peter Tarnawsky and Symen Kostiuk
    Обробка Ярослава Смеричанського / Arranged by Yaroslav Smerichansky
  3. Наш Новий Край / Our New Land
    Conducted by Orest Soltykewych
    Solo by Peter Tarnawsky
  4. Карпатські cічовики / Carpathian Sich Riflemen
    Conducted by Hryhoriy Maluzynsky
    Слова Яра Славутича, обробка Григорія Китастого / Based on a poem by Yar Slavutych, arrangement by Hryhory Kytasty
  5. Наливаймо, браття! / Let Us Pour a Drink, Brothers!
    Conducted by Hryhoriy Maluzynsky
    Bayan accompaniment by Dmytro Rusnak
    Solos by Peter Tarnawsky and Tony Horobec

    Музика Віктора Лісовола, слова Вадима Крищенка, обробка Олега Махлая / Music by Victor Lisovol, lyrics by Vadim Kryshchenko, arrangement by Oleh Makhlai
  6. Плине Кача / The Duck is Swimming
    Conducted by Dr. Svitlana Lysogor
    Solo Andrzej Szymanowka and Tony Horobec
    Українська народня пісня /Ukrainian Folk Song
  7. Бандуристе, oрле сизий! / Oh Bandurist, You Grey-Haired Eagle!
    Conducted by Dr. Svitlana Lysogor
    Solo by Hryhoriy Maluzynsky
    Cлова Тараса Шевченка, обробка Ярослава Орлова / Lyrics by Taras Shevchenko, arranged by Yaroslav Orlov
  8. Засяло Сонце / The Sun has Shone
    Conducted by Toma Elkow
    Музика Степана Пилипенка, слова Івана Недільського / Music by Stepan Pylypenko, lyrics by Ivan Nedilsky

Частина 2 / Act Two

Conducted by Viatcheslaw Morozow

  1. Світова прем’єра Богородице Діво / World Premiere of Hail Mary Prayer
    Композитор  В’ячеслав Морозов / Composed by Viatcheslaw Morozow
  2. Гей, браття опришки! / Hey, Opryshky Brothers!
    Solo by Terry Baydala
    Українська народня пісня з додатковим текстом Миколи Устіяновича, oбробка Євгена Козака / Ukrainian Folk song with additional lyrics by Mykola Ustiyanovich, arranged by Yevhen Kozak
  3. Той старий кожух / That Old Sheepskin Coat
    Solo by Terry Baydala, narration by Steve Ciona
    Слова Анни Звоздецької, музика Євгена Звоздецького, обробка Володимира Звоздецького / Lyrics by Anna Zwozdesky, music by Gene Zwozdesky, arranged by Willi Zwozdesky
    Featuring Yavir 40th Anniversary Orchestra
  4. За байраком байрак / Gravemound after Gravemound
    Solos by Terry Baydala and Nick Horobec
    Слова Тараса Шевченка, музика Андрія Гнатишина / Lyrics by Taras Shevchenko, music by Andriy Hnatyshyn
  5. Журавлі / Cranes
    Слова Володимира Кушика (уривок з поеми), музика Василя Звоздецького / Lyrics by Volodymyr Kushik (excerpt from a poem), music by Willi Zwozdesky
    Featuring Yavir 40th Anniversary Orchestra
  6. Козак од’їжджає / The Kozak is Leaving
    Друга частина з кантати «Червона калина», музика Лесі Дичко / From the cantata “Chervona Kalyna”, music by Lesya Dychko
  7. Свічку засвіти / World Premiere of Light a Сandle
    Solo Peter Tarnawsky
    Слова Анни Григор-Звоздецької, музика Василя Звоздецького / Lyrics by Anna Hryhor-Zwozdesky, music by Willi Zwozdesky
    Featuring Yavir 40th Anniversary Orchestra
  8. Світова прем’єра Обійми!/ Embrace!
    Solos by Serhiy Kucher and JM Palahniuk
    Слова і музика Святослава Вакарчука, oбробка Василя Звоздецького/ Words and music by Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, arranged by Willi Zwozdesky
    Featuring Yavir 40th Anniversary Orchestra

Orest Soltykevych

1984 – 2004
2009 - 2019

Born and raised in Edmonton, Orest Soltykevych started his musical career having completed Grade 9 Royal Conservatory Piano. He continued his musical studies at the University of Alberta, and completed his Bachelor of Education with a major in secondary music.

Orest has been active with Ukrainian choirs since the age of 15, when he first accompanied the Ukrainian Youth Association of Canada (CYMK) Choir. He then joined the choir as a singer, and also sang in and accompanied the Dnipro Choir.

In 1984, Orest became the founding conductor of the Ukrainian Male Chorus of Edmonton, and directed the choir from 1984 to 2004, and from 2009 until 2019. In 1986, Orest became the conductor of the Ukrainian Youth Association of Canada (CYMK) Choir, and led that ensemble for seven years. Orest was also conductor of the St Andrew's Ukrainian Orthodox Parish Choir for three years, and the Verkhovyna Choir for seven years.

In recent years, Orest has sung with the Richard Eaton Singers and with the Da Camera Singers, and currently sings in the Kappella Kyrie Slavic Chamber Choir. Orest served as a member and later as president of the Ukrainian Music Society for ten years. In 1999, he founded the radio program "Sounds Ukrainian" on radio station CJSR at the University of Alberta, and hosted the program for seven years. Currently, Orest hosts a classical choral music program on CKUA Radio, which broadcasts throughout Alberta.

In 2013, Orest retired from Edmonton Public Schools after 32 years of teaching and administration.

Dr. Lana Lysogor

2004 to 2006

In the course of a diverse 30-year career in all aspects of music performance and education Dr. Lana Lysogor has proven to be a dynamic and energetic musician dedicated to the highest musical standards through performance, teaching and research. She has worked with a number of ensembles in Europe and North America, producing groups of outstanding quality and performing in the world's best concert halls including Carnegie Hall. Lana has performed in 10 countries on 3 continents and developed her repertoire which included compositions by J.S. Bach, G. F. Handel, W.A. Mozart, J. Brahms, W. Byrd, F. Mendelssohn, F. Schubert, S. Rachmaninoff, I. Stravinsky, A.Pӓrt and many others.

Dr. L. Lysogor significant teaching experience includes positions in the role of a university professor, opera chorus master, church music minister, college professor and school teacher. She taught a varied selection of courses including piano, voice, theory, conducting, music literature, musicianship and ear training.

Lana holds D. Mus. Degree from the McGill University (Montreal, Canada) in performance and Diploma (M. Mus. and B. Mus. Degree Equivalent) from Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (Tallinn, Estonia) in music education and chamber ensemble piano performance.

Hryhoriy Maluzynsky

2006 to 2009

Hryhoriy Maluzynsky graduated from the School of Music at the University of Manitobain 1982 as a trumpet major and member of the University Singers. He earned an after-degree B. Ed. in 1984 in Music Education with a Ukrainian minor. While in Winnipeg, Hryhoriy sang with the O. Koshetz Choir and played in the wedding band Volya. His first teaching job was in Morden, Manitoba; teaching instrumental music to grades 7-12.

He moved to Edmonton in 1986 and taught high school band, choir, guitar and a host of other subjects. Hryhoriy was the choir director at St. Andrew's Ukrainian Orthodox Sobor for over twenty years. He sang with the Dnipro Choir and played in the wedding band Dumka. Hryhoriy also sang with and conducted the Ukrainian Male Chorus of Edmonton. For over thirty years Hryhoriy was a member of the Edmonton Opera Chorus and had over a dozen comprimario roles over that time.

Hryhoriy retired from teaching in 2015 and worked as a substitute teacher for five years. Currently, he sings with the Taras Shevchenko Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus and has served as an assistant conductor with the ensemble. He is honoured to be able to participate in Yavir's 40 th anniversary celebration and wishes the brotherhood many more years of joyfully bringing Ukrainian song to audiences around the world. Mnohaya Lita!

Vistcheslaw (Slava) Morozow

2019 to present

Slava (Viatcheslaw) Morozow, based in St. Albert, AB, Canada, is a distinguished choral conductor, composer, and musician. As the Artistic Director of the Yavir Ukrainian Male Chorus of Edmonton, he leads this esteemed ensemble in performances at various festivals, including Bloor Fest (Toronto, ON), UFest (Edmonton, AB), Mountain Malanka Fest (Jasper, AB), and Pysanka Fest (Vegreville, AB), as well as in collaboration with the Calgary Civic Symphony Orchestra for the concert of Humanity (Calgary, AB).

Slava's innovative approach to choral leadership focuses on the human experience, using the five senses to enhance both the singing process and ensemble performance. By emphasizing the humanity of each member, he cultivates a harmonious collective.

In addition to his choral work, Slava is a versatile musician skilled in clarinet, piano, and composition. His numerous original compositions and arrangements reflect his diverse life experiences and blend elements from early and modern music.

Holding degrees in Choral Conducting from the Belarusian Academy of Music (B.Mus & M.Mus), Slava is dedicated to musical excellence and ongoing professional development.
